Pathogens, bacteria living together harmoniously and joyously. Mosquito bites. Life is innocent and childlike even under the microscope - on all levels, the macro too. How angels really are.
Oil Pastel on paper
Circles have membranes. They contain potential. (Egg). They contain future light. They are light.
Acrylic on paper
These single circles are not only a geometric development on from the double circles but also from The Butterfly Paintings. The Butterfly Paintings have been concentrically involved. Instead of moving outwards they are folding in. The geometry of the universe emerges. The technique has changed because now for the first time I use a tool to drag the paint instead of finger pressing so circular movements appear.. I was working directly on the painting surface. Here the mirroring/replication dissolves into unique improvisation. (Replication never occurs precisely). Unity emerges only to then engender proliferation again.
Acrylic on paper
I saw a video of close-ups of iris with its expansion and contraction movements.. I was fascinated. It was so alien and so technically perfect. It seemed to contain the whole world. I wanted to make two with the idea of being watched when you looked at the painting. As I made them I realised that they were all about motion. These circles are mirrored, replicated by imprinting but with superficial variations similar to eyes. The circle also represents growth - movement from a central point, the point being the still point, the infinitesimal point of the beginning of the universe or rather the point where motion begins, this radiating motion being the growth into matter,
Acrylic on paper
First human communication marked down is in pictures. Hieroglyphics are code. These came as a development on from daily silhouette drawings I was making - simplifying people and objects around me to outlines. So a personal, mysterious language emerges - complex in its simplicity.
Acrylic on papaer/board
The Butterfly Paintings are iridescent mirrors. When separate the two sides don't have as much meaning as when they are together - partners, synergistically more complicated when whole. Musical pieces. Geography, land mass, landscape, solar system, clouds, blended, merged, pressed, dragged. The eye makes sense out of chaos, seeing shapes in random patterns - pareidolia. So if you think they are vaginas the viewer is always right.
Acrylic on paper
From 2D to 3D - lifting the painting off the page forming structure.
Sculptures based on Oscar Wilde's writings and his love of lilies. Wilde believed art needed to be created out of the space and time to think and be. He used the term, Leisure. In his letter De Profundis he was interested in the idea of the artist embodying a Christ spirit. I've understood this as spirituality in all areas of creativity.
Acrylic on card
The sequence of The Point Paintings and The Butterfly Paintings is before and after and before again and after again - cyclical - infinite repetition in pattern. But always unique coming out of the relationship between control and accident.
The Point Paintings are matte and reflective in different light and also iridescent so that two colours appear with shifts of perspective. Inherent, then, is their two-fold nature: a mirror image but with inevitable variation. The Point Paintings are the group and the outsider, disease and health, dissonance and harmony, conformity and non-conformity, evolutionary variance/breakdown, border integrity and leakage, connecting and not connecting, perfection and imperfection, innovation and stability. Whether the different entity, the outsider, is beautiful or disturbingly flawed depends on the point of view. As I pared down to these singular, floating objects on paper I realised their fractal nature and relationship to DNA.
Acrylic on paper
(4.5 Metres x 1.5 Metres)
The experience of illness in family - the recourse to each member's own values while the shockwave's impact is shown also by the size of the frieze filling almost 4 walls.
Crayon, wax, collage, ink, acrylic on paper